Tuesday 27 September 2011

Game Changing...

Some of the team have been divulging in some RnR with the third instalment of the Gears series. We keenly look to game theory and innovation in our information management and business intelligence projects and we were very impressed by Foldit's recent achievements which harnessed gamers.

Foldit, launched in 2008 by the University of Washington aims to harness the might of the video gaming community to do good in the world and the results are pretty staggering and compelling. The premise was to see if a critical mass of gamers would be able to find the answers or solve puzzles for science as the tag line reads.

The popularity of Foldit has been increasing and recently, in a matter of 10 days, gamers were able to do what biochemists have been trying to do for 10 years - unlock the structure of protein called retroviral protease. This is an enzyme that is key to understanding the way HIV multiples. It is hoped that this will help scientists understand and then prevent the way this grows. You can see how we are doing here on our profile page.

You can find out more here and their blog is well worth a view. Other initiatives look to harness the power of the human brain to out perform the performance of super computer, Galaxy Zoo is an other example.

At 5point9 we tend to use the techniques that work in game theory to improve business solutions. This can often include rewards, ambient find-ability and maintaining interest levels through levels of details. To find out more get in touch with us at Technical@5point9.com.

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