Wednesday 10 August 2011

The lights go off - Infographic of the Internet Blackout in Egypt

This infographic from the National Geographic shows what happened when the government turned off (see the original article here -

With the corporate social responsibility of organisations it is clear how big an impact an internet service provider has and also how big their impact is on governments and society. Several service providers brought down or restricted what was allowed through.

The campaign group Access ( attended one of these ISP’s Annual Meetings and called for providers to sign up to an action plan to avoid the intervention of governments on their services. It shows again how actions in an other region can impact the brand and reputation of organisations.

In researching this post we had a look around the Access site and there is also an interesting map of how countries censor the Internet ( Interesting to see which territories have limited the information super highway and to what extent.

We’d love to hear your thoughts on this as usual!

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Technorati Tags: Egypt, Business Intelligence, Data Visulaisation, CSR, 5point9

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